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    When This Gay Pastor Realized That Madonna Started Following Him On Twitter…

    Marcell, Marcell… We have recently written about your gay coming out book, that is one thing to request Ellen DeGenereses's attention and endorsment, but to be able to say, that by this book, you caught the attention of the queen of pop? Not many of us have the honor. Marcell Kincses was not even dreaming of this, when he decided a year ago, that he no longer will remain silent about his coming out in his Hungarian church, namely, he had to resign from Youth Pastor ministry, after he came out as gay, but to write his story in a Coming Out Book, the story of a Christian gay Youth Pastor His writing helped already many people in his home country, Hungary, but now, that the English translation is soon out, we would not dare to estimate the affect this contrversial book is going to have. Just to name a few of readers feedbacks: "I couldn't put it down, marvelous." "Shockingly sincere, and bold young man, way to go Marcell!" So tell us Marcell, what did you do, when you realized, Madonna is following you on twitter? - I could not believe my eyes! I called my mom, and I opened a bottle of champagne. - Follow Marcell on twitter: @marcellkincses

    Madonna started following @marcellkincses