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    10 Of The Spookiest Weather Phenomena

    With Halloween just around the corner, take a look at some of the spooky weather that can be seen, from UFO-shaped clouds to mysterious rings around the sun and moon. Check out the top 10 spooky weather phenomena from the Met Office:

    1. Thunder and Lightning

    2. Brocken spectre

    3. Fallstreak hole

    4. Dust devil

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    A dust devil (sometimes known as a 'willy-willy') is an upward spiraling, dust-filled vortex of air that can vary in height from a few feet to over 1,000 ft. The phenomenon can seemingly appear from nowhere lasting only a few minutes before cool air is sucked into its base cutting off its heat supply. They mainly occur in desert and semi-arid areas, where the ground is dry and high surface temperatures produce strong updrafts.

    5. Sea mist

    6. Roll cloud

    7. Halo around the moon

    8. Lenticular clouds

    9. Red sunsets

    10. Dust storms