Why The Fuck Does Anyone Put Guacamole In A Burrito?

    It doesn't seem like the best place for guacamole.

    First things first: Guacamole is good!

    But putting guacamole on a burrito is weird! It’s like putting Sriracha on pasta. Both of those things are totally awesome, but putting them together is just not the best way to eat either of them.

    Burritos just don’t need it. They might be a perfect food: everything you need, all held together in a way that means you don't even need cutlery.

    Let’s back up a bit. The burrito was probably created in the early 19th century, in the U.S.–Mexico borderlands. But in a way, it's even older than that, as tortillas have been used to wrap food across the Americas for centuries.

    But it’s 2016! Culture is global! All food is fusion! And yet, guacamole on burritos is still wrong.

    Firstly, the texture is totally wrong. As it is, a burrito doesn’t have a huge amount of bite. It’s designed like that, but once you introduce guacamole it becomes a shitshow.

    Secondly, the taste adds basically nothing. Again, guacamole is nice, but when you already have meat and salsa and sour cream and cheese and vegetables, you get no flavour benefit.

    And yet, despite the fact that guacamole costs extra, everyone is still totally happy to put it on their burrito, which is kind of crazy!

    Is putting guacamole on a burrito now a declaration of status? Does the astronomical rise of housing prices relative to wages mean that the only way that millennials can feel any semblance of personal success is to pay to add guacamole to a burrito?

    But anyway! The point is that burritos are amazing, and they're even more amazing if you leave the guacamole off.

    Maybe get some nachos as well and put the guacamole on that!