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21 Of The Funniest Tumblr Responses To Pokémon Go

Gotta tumble 'em all.

1. When they lost perspective.

2. When Geodude tried to start a fight.

3. When they realised how the game had changed.

4. Really changed.

5. When they found their weaknesses.

6. When they realised what was happening to the world.

7. When they realised just how addictive it is.

8. For real.

9. When the true possibilities unfolded.

10. When some of them got locked in a cemetery.

11. When they realised how it was changing their lifestyles.

12. And the impact of that.

13. When they discovered sometimes it wasn't quite perfect.

14. When they found out that the police needed to respond.

15. But that apparently Obama is down with it.

16. When dreams came true.

17. When some people maybe didn't realise what they were looking at.

18. When they extrapolated to the future.

19. When they found the best reason not to catch them.

20. When Bellsprout nearly bought it.

21. And when Evee actually did.