21 Things You'd Only Ever See In The North Of England

    You need a Yorkshire pudding burger in your life.

    1. This sort of customer service.

    2. A ferret being taken for a lovely walk.

    Lovely day to walk the ferret #onlyinthenorth

    3. And a dog carrying the paper on the walk.

    A man walking to work with his dog carrying a paper. I repeat his dog is carrying his paper. #onlyinmanchester

    4. A shot of gravy.

    5. Scraps on chips.

    Deep fried batter on top of chips #onlyinthenorth #toon

    6. The sort of political campaign we can all get behind.

    7. Or possibly this one.

    8. This inventive alternate use for a Manchester cinema.

    9. This informative sign.

    10. These glorious shoes.

    Woow jus seen these beauts 😂😂 #onlyinmanchester

    11. This pinnacle of high-quality street food.

    Saw this sign earlier. Made me smile for some reason! #onlyinthenorth

    12. This approach to healthy eating.

    Good work Waterstones #onlyinmanchester

    13. A store name that's this good.

    14. This approach to airport security.

    15. A Yorkshire pudding as a starter.

    I'm not normally a tweeter about food. But I've just had a Yorkshire pudding as a starter. #onlyintheNorth

    Something that really should be expanded to everywhere else in Britain.

    16. Or, even better, a Yorkshire pudding burger.

    17. This romance.

    18. This policing.

    19. And definitely this policing.

    20. This diversity of culinary options.

    Everyone loves a pasty... But this is jus ridiccc #NextDoorButOne #OnlyInNewcastle

    21. And of course, real goddamn rain.