16 Serious Questions That Arise When You're English But You Don't Drink Tea

    What's wrong with me?

    1. Did someone just offer me tea?

    2. Is it weird to ask for water instead?

    3. I mean, it's less work surely?

    4. Is everyone looking at me strangely now?

    5. What if someone asks me for tea?

    6. Milk... goes in first? Second?

    7. How does everyone just know how to do this?

    8. Was there a class I missed about making tea?

    9. What is so wrong about microwaving tea?

    10. Should I apologise? I should probably apologise.

    11. Why couldn't I just like tea?

    12. Maybe ice tea? It's not real tea?

    13. Is there anyone else in this country who doesn't drink tea?

    14. Seriously, someone else must not like tea?

    15. Am I normal? Is there a group I should join?

    16. Am I even really English?