23 PokéStops That Failed So Hard They Almost Won

    "A PokéStop! I bet this is some notable local artwork! Oh no, that is a literal bag of trash."

    1. Just an ashtray. A normal ashtray. No word on whether it was still as full IRL as it looks here.

    2. The world famous tourist spot, 'Hamburger Door Handle.'

    3. Indeed these are Two Big Red Balls. Certainly, they're biggest, reddest balls I've ever seen.

    4. At least they're not dumb, I guess.

    5. Ah yes, young human entertainment, for the young humans. Those young humans. With their entertainment.

    6. This is how you label a playground, see.

    7. I feel like there is almost definitely a dead squirrel in there. Or possible a raccoon. Certainly some sort of deceased animal with tiny paws.

    8. Not only are these not cows, why would cows be PokéStops?!?

    9. I... I would still use this PokéStop.

    10. Well, this is just impossibly sad. There should be a rule that to use the PokéStop, you have to play a game of Shuffleboard first.

    11. Nice.

    12. NICE.

    13. OK, stop it now.

    14. There are a lot of questions about why this is a good spot for a PokéStop - but honestly, my main one is why the tiny graffiti got it rather than the big one.

    15. "Stay out of my territory," says the Bad Man.

    16. Better get the kayak out.

    17. Great art. Such great art. Art that definitely isn't anything else, but is just art. Decorative art, with the only purpose is to look nice. It'd be a shame if someone ruined it, by, idk, locking their bike to it or something.

    18. This is an exact, flawless, entirely perfect recreation of the statue of Liberty, right down to her apron and floppy chefs hat.

    19. I can't imagine a crowd of people hanging out around this would ever cause a problem.

    20. Fair.

    21. Good rock. Top rock. Never seen a better rock.

    22. "This technology is incredible! It's going to change how we all interact, how we do everything!" *hangs out next to bin full of shit for a while*

    23. Drowning in PokéBalls more like!!! But yes, also water. Also drowning in water.

    From r/shittypokestops