23 Signs You Learned Adulting At A British University

    Those years of crappiness and stress have actually helped you.

    1. As a result of three years spent cooking in crappy kitchens with worse equipment, you can put together a passable meal almost every time now.

    2. But you still have more than a little love for beans on toast.

    3. And even more for the luxury of putting cheese on it as well.

    4. You've discovered that fancy dress is great, fun, and should never be done again. Three years of crap, awkward costumes is enough.

    5. "Ring of Fire" brings back both very good and very bad memories.

    6. And you still have incredibly fierce opinions about what the "correct" rules are.

    7. The truth you eventually discovered is that drinking games are for children and Americans, however.

    8. You're still incredibly thankful when you encounter a fully stocked fridge.

    9. You're incredibly thankful when you encounter a fully functioning, non-clothes-destroying washing machine.

    10. You know exactly how much you need to predrink to get the night right.

    11. You might still like nightclubs, but you have now realised that not every night needs to end there.

    12. Extensive experimentation has led to you knowing exactly what you need to cure a hangover.

    "Look, I know it's weird, but do you have any Edam? I really need some Edam. Also fizzy water. And a plum."

    13. If you're a functioning adult now, you probably realised the importance of cleaning at some point during university.

    14. You discovered, the hard way, that sometimes you need to be very careful not to lose your deposit on a flat.

    15. But also that maybe, just maybe, some landlords are taking advantage of people, and it's damn hard to keep a deposit no matter what you do.

    16. You can still remember which days it was worth getting the Sub of the Day, and when it was just stupid turkey breast.

    17. You figured out how to share a house without killing someone even when they do that one thing that annoys the fuck out of you.

    18. And you figured out how to stop annoying the fuck out of your housemates as well. Personal growth, really.

    19. You also have some unshakeable beliefs about which night was the best night to eat at Spoon's.

    20. And you'll also be intensely aware that the greatest crime ever committed against the British people is the removal of the packets of condiments from Wetherspoon's.

    21. Three years of lectures when hungover, and highly stressful exam situations, has left you surprisingly well prepared for actual work.

    22. You've also found your actual can-think-no-longer, can-barely-function, absolute maximum amount of work.

    23. But most importantly, learning to be an adult at a British university means you're probably still hanging out with the people you learnt with.