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21 Words That Have A Completely Different Meaning In England

We invented English, yet no one understands the language like us.

1. "Tea"

2. "Interesting"

3. "Football"

What it usually means: Enjoyable game and international language.

What it means in England: Sixty years of misery, then you die.

4. "Rain"

5. "Sarcasm"

6. "Drunk"

7. "Vat"

8. "Round"

9. "Flat"

10. "Roast"

11. "Cheers"

12. "Jammy"

13. "Cowboy"

14. "Trainer"

15. "Mac"

16. "Cunt"

17. "Allotment"

18. "Tube"

What it usually means: Hollow cylinder.

What it means in England: Hollow cylinder filled with people and sweat and hate.

19. "Fortnight"

20. "Brew"

What it usually means: Beer.

What it means in England: Tea.

21. "Pub"