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If You're Turning 30 This Year, Here Are 19 Ways To Celebrate It Properly

This is your year!!!

1. Go on your dream vacation.

2. Sign up for a class!

3. Start saving up — even if it's just a little bit.

4. Adopt a pet.

5. Redecorate your space.

6. Try to be on your phone less.

7. Get out in nature more.

8. Make actual plans in advance with your friends.

9. Learn to cook your favorite dish at home.

10. And speaking of food, start really paying attention to your eating habits.

11. Pamper yourself!

12. Plan a cross-country road trip.

13. Find an exercise routine that you actually like.

14. Perfect your new ~grown up~ sense of style.

15. If you're single, try going on dates with people who aren't necessarily your "type."

16. Thoroughly enjoy your sex life.

17. Give your time to a worthy cause.

18. Finish anything you left unfinished in your twenties.

19. And, above all, enjoy this year. You deserve it.

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This post was translated from Spanish.

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