18 Reasons Why "Batman Returns" Is The Best Batman Movie Ever Made

    Go talk to someone else about your precious Dark Knights. We all know "Batman Returns" is the better movie.

    1. Let's start with the fact that it's the darkest of all the Batman movies.

    2. It's so dark that there's an evil circus gang.

    3. Surely it contributed to your fear of clowns.

    4. But even with its dark side, it did have its fun moments.

    5. Let's not forget that it's the perfect Christmas movie for people who hate Christmas.

    6. It's also filled with iconic scenes.

    7. Danny Devito as Penguin is the stuff of nightmares.

    8. And when he ate a raw fish, it made you want to vomit.

    9. But even so, it's a character who's easy to identify with.

    10. Also, he has a rubber ducky that doubles as a boat and a tank.

    11. Ah, and as if that weren't enough, he also has an army of penguins.

    12. Speaking of supervillains, Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman is THE Catwoman.

    13. And that suit is simply iconic.

    14. But the most incredible thing about the villains in the film is that the most villainous is a corrupt politician.

    15. Extra points to Christopher Walken for his excellent portrayal of the character.

    16. Oh, and his death is totally horrifying.

    17. Although we've known it since the first movie, Michael Keaton proves to us once again that he is a phenomenal Batman.

    18. And in this movie he even has his own BATBOAT.

    So fire up the Bat Signal and run to watch it again!

    This post was translated from Spanish.