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    Why Tess Holliday's EffYourBeautyStandards Movement Is The Best Thing For Everybody (and Every Body)

    Tess Holliday has made headlines recently as the first size 22 plus size model to sign with a major agency, but it's not just her achievements that have peoples' perfectly-shaped bums wiggling.


    You may have heard about the new face of plus size modeling, signing with MiLK Model Management and how she fought for her dreams by simply loving herself with nothing but ambition and what her mama gave her. The biggest thing that distresses me is the amount of hate that pours in every damn day.

    Tess, in all her glory (I mean have you seen her? She's a total babe!), is one of those women who isn't defeated without putting up her dukes. She created Eff Your Beauty Standards as a way to get men and women alike to come together and celebrate their bodies the way they are, and perhaps most importantly, to love themselves they way they are.

    This is the best thing for anyone and everyone.

    I have heard some really terrible things following her success. I won't call anyone out, but the subject of fat shaming and health is constantly an issue.

    We should know by now that the BMI index is a little "effed" up. I have a friend who is stick-thin - could give model Kate Moss a run for her money - and still the BMI index calls her "obese."

    But it's more than that.

    Yes, health is incredibly important. You should absolutely nourish your body with healthy food, plenty of hydrating water, and be active every day.


    I didn't think so.

    I can understand the worry some people have, saying that having such a large (albeit in charge) role model for some could lead to them thinking its okay to be obese.

    Well, wait...we just established that health was important. Sure, I believe that the younger generation is impressionable, but poor health is NOT what Tess is trying to accomplish here!

    I know first-hand that being healthy doesn't necessarily mean being as lean as you can possibly be, though to some ignorant few, eating a salad means magically all the weight falls off.

    So she maybe made a new world record! That's fantastic, but WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH TO PEOPLE?

    Yes, she's an inspiration to us little chubs. But do you know what she's really preaching? (and even better - PRACTICING what she preaches?) It's not what people think she's doing, which is "promoting an unhealthy lifestyle"

    Um, no.

    I don't see her sitting in front of a t.v. in the dark, ass-deep in deep fried bacon burgers.

    THAT'S unhealthy.

    What this woman is basically saying is that you don't have to hide yourself from the world because they tell you that you aren't the right size, the right shape, the right color (and we all know that society and the media are guilty of shaming everyone.)

    Love yourself unconditionally.

    That's it. That is literally it.

    And it's not just for the "young fat girls" that are having a hard time finding a date for prom, or having difficulty finding a pair of skinny jeans they can fit into. This is for all.

    Eating disorders, self-harming, self-loathing, gender equality, sexual preference, EVERYONE HAS A STORY AND IF YOU SHAME THEM, THEY WILL THINK THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THE WAY THEY ARE.

    I had the great fortune to find and follow #effyourbeautystandards on instagram, and the fans are overwhelmingly lovely. Like most women, I focus a lot on what I don't like about myself, and that is the biggest hurt you can possibly do to your body. My instagram feed is daily flooded with the beauty of others like me who are taking a stand to not be so harsh on themselves for being who they are, and with this community, it makes it so much easier.

    As the queen of magical literature, J.K. Rowling, once said

    "Is 'fat' really the worst thing a human being can be? Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow', 'vain', 'boring' or 'cruel'? Not to me."

    I think we should all learn from that.

    Tall, short, fat, skinny, black, white, transsexual, gay, straight, whatever you're perfect the way you are. If anyone tells you any different, you can tell them that Tess Holliday says "eff off!"