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15 Fun Fall Activities For Kids That Moms Secretly Love

Being a mom is the perfect excuse to do a ton of fun fall activities! And head to LOFT for the perfect sweater to wear on that hayride you — uh, the kids — have been looking forward to!

1. Entering a jack-o'-lantern carving competition:

2. Apple-picking:

3. Creating a DIY haunted house at home:

4. Baking pumpkin-flavored desserts:

5. Road trips to see the leaves:

6. Rewatching old Halloween specials:

7. Corn mazes:

8. Eating candy apples:

9. Decorating with gourds and scarecrows:

10. Raking leaves just to jump in them:

11. Warm apple cider:

12. Homemade Halloween costumes:

13. Fall picnics:

14. Camping:

15. Fall crafts:

If anyone loves fall, it's Busy Philips! Watch the video to see how she does fall. And get more Busy at LOFT.

View this video on YouTube