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    The Michigan Bill That Would Force Women To Buy 'Rape Insurance'

    Because apparently rape should be handled in the same manor as car accidents and flooding.

    Michigan lawmakers are deciding whether or not to pass a bill that would force women to buy separate insurance coverage for abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. Republican Governor Rick Snyder vetoed legislation very similar to this last year. "I don't believe it is appropriate to tell a woman who becomes pregnant due to a rape that she needed to select elective insurance coverage," he stated at the time of his decision.

    Right to Life Michigan strongly backs the passing of this bill, with members who were born as a result of rape or incest speaking out and showing their support. Barbara Listing, the group's president, argues "It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those."

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    If this bill is passed, women and parents with daughters will be forced to decide whether or not to purchase 'rape insurance'. State Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D) said in a press release on Monday, "Requiring Michigan women to plan ahead for an unplanned pregnancy is not only illogical, it's one of the most misogynistic proposals I have ever seen in the Michigan Legislature."

    If the Legislature approves the bill within the next 40 days it will automatically become law, even without Governor Snyder's approval. If a decision has not been made after 40 days, the bill will be added to the 2014 ballet and put to a statewide vote.