15 Things About American Weddings That Non-Americans Find Extremely Weird

    "I still can't understand the smooshing cake in the face thing. I hate it."

    A while ago, we wrote a post about the weirdest things about American weddings, according to non-Americans. Many of our readers from the BuzzFeed Community around the world shared even more American wedding traditions they don't quite understand. Here are the interesting results:

    1. The huge wedding parties

    2. The rehearsal dinners

    3. The looong cocktail hour

    4. The cost

    5. The live bands

    6. The showers and registries

    7. The cake smooshing

    8. The first date at a wedding

    9. The buffets

    10. The save-the-date cards

    11. The wedding party paying for their attire

    12. The all-white weddings

    13. The cash bars

    14. The ~showing off~

    15. And finally, the garter toss

    What do you think of these "American" wedding trends? What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.