11 Screenshots Of Clueless Coworkers Who Are Making This Year A HUGE Pain For Everyone Around Them

    Just be glad you don't have to work with these people. πŸ™„

    1. This coworker who leaves the vacuum cord like this:

    The cord is wrapped haphazardly, making it a knotted mess

    2. This person's coworker (and their boss's family) who have no boundaries and called them at 6:38 a.m. before their alarm even went off:

    3. This coworker who keeps asking for money:

    The coworker asks for $45 twice, saying they need gas to visit a girl because they haven't had sex in a while
    Three days later, the same person asks for $45 and gives the same reason again
    Now they change to asking for $10 for gas so they can go to a candlelit vigil for their friend who died
    They apologize and say they need to stop asking for money, then a day later ask for $45 again and say they are on their knees begging
    Now there's a series of texts with no response begging for money, and halfway through the reason changes to gas money to go to his uncle's funeral

    4. This coworker who quite literally carves into everything in the office β€” like this table...

    A table in what appears to be a break room has had random lines carved into it with a knife

    ...this chair...

    The chair has been slashed with a knife three times, and some of the stuffing is spilling out

    ...and this surface:

    The surface has a triangle carved into it

    5. This coworker who leaves the toilet paper like this:

    The new roll of toilet paper has been set on top of the holder instead of actually placed in it

    6. And this coworker who doesn't even bother to put on a new roll:

    The roll of toilet paper on the holder is completely empty and has not been replaced

    7. This coworker who wants this person to go to Costco to get a cake for their own kid after a looooong day of work:

    A coworker asks a Costco member to use their card to get a cake and says they will pay $16
    The Costco member says they don't want to get the cake and suggests their coworker bake a cake with their child instead
    The coworker says they have no time, so the Costco member suggests Safeway, and the coworker says "No, Costco with your card," the Costco member says "No," and the coworker says "yep"

    8. This coworker who apparently messages like this without ever getting to the point:

    A coworker sends "hello" at 9:21 a.m. and then "hold on a sec" at 9:23 a.m. with no other context

    9. This coworker who writes in all caps for EVERYTHING β€” even when talking to clients:

    The coworker sends several texts in all caps, then says "it's just a brain thing for me especially when typing notes"

    10. This coworker who packs boxes like this:

    The boxes are not closed tightly, so they're technically taped but leave space for things to fall out

    11. And finally, this coworker who parks like this ~every day~:

    The car is straddling the line between two spaces, so it's impossible for anyone else to park in either space

    What's the wildest or rudest encounter you've had with a coworker at work? Let us know in the comments below!