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Tell Us The Most Extravagant Thing You've Seen At A Rich Person's Wedding

Imagine spending millions on your big day...

Some wealthy people love to go big — especially when it comes to celebrations. And maybe you've gone to a wealthy person's wedding and were completely taken aback by what you saw.

So, we want to know: what's the most extravagant thing you've seen at a rich person's wedding?

wedding tables set

Maybe you've seen an over-the-top or unconventional entrance at the wedding — like someone arriving by a luxury car, helicopter, or even a chariot.

helicopter landing in a field

Perhaps you heard they dropped thousands — or even millions — on their wedding decor and designer clothing.

jeweled wedding heels

Maybe their wedding decor was EXTREMELY lavish, and they even had items imported from overseas.

empty seating and a large arch filled with foliage

Or, perhaps they had something super memorable at their reception, like having a celebrity musician perform.

hands djing

We want to hear it all! In the comments below, tell us the most lavish, over-the-top, or even ridiculous thing you've ever seen at a rich person's wedding. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.