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Parents, Tell Us The Darkest Secret You've Kept From Your Kids

Do your kids know the truth? πŸ‘€

Parents, if you've bent the truth to your child, I want to know: What's the wildest or darkest secret you've kept from your kids to this day?

Maybe you're a single parent who went through a divorce because your spouse had an affair for years β€” and you never told your kid the REAL reason behind the split.

An unhappy couple looks devastated

Although you raised your child and have always been there for them, perhaps you're actually not their biological parent β€” and you're planning to tell them the story when they're older.

A parent holds their child, who kisses them on the forehead

Or perhaps your kids have lived fairly lavishly or thought your family was pretty well-off, but the truth is you are in A LOT of financial trouble and they have no idea.

Someone uses a credit card to pay bills

Or maybe your kid has another sibling from a fling you had a long time ago, and you never, ever told them.

A parent kissing their newborn baby

Parents, in the comments below, tell us the wildest or darkest secret you kept from your child for years. Or if you prefer to remain anonymous, use this Google form to share your secret. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.