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Frequent Flyers, What's The Most "Overrated" Tourist Attraction You've Ever Visited?

Is it actually overhyped? We want to hear your experience. ✈️

If you're a frequent flyer, you may have traveled to several fascinating destinations all over the world.

A woman in the water with a lush tropical background behind her

But we want to know: Which tourist attraction were you excited about, but it turned out to be pretty overrated?

A man in an airport with his phone in his hand

Like, maybe you were super excited to finally see the "Mona Lisa" at the Louvre — but it was wayyy more crowded and chaotic than you expected, and TBH, you didn't think it was worth all that effort in the end.

People in front of the "Mona Lisa"

Perhaps there's a popular attraction you've visited in the US that you think is overrated. Like, maybe you finally saw the Hollywood sign in LA, and it took up way too much time, so you felt it would've been better to just explore the city instead.

The Hollywood sign

Maybe you've visited a famous monument, like Stonehenge in the UK, and felt that it was pretty anticlimactic to see it in person and not actually worth the visit.


Tell us the most "overrated" tourist attraction you've been to — and why it was a letdown — and feel free to include a photo from your trip as well! Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.