23 Times People Tried To Make A Yummy, Delicious Meal, But It Didn't Go As Planned

    Well, I'm definitely not hungry anymore.

    1. This boyfriend's attempt at carbonara:

    The color and texture are wrong, making this look like a pot full of gunk

    2. This roommate who heated up spaghetti in the microwave and then left it there for three weeks <3:

    The meatballs have turned into chunks of mold, while the spaghetti has thinned and changed color

    3. This person who ran out of milk, so they decided to use chocolate milk to make mashed potatoes:

    The mashed potatoes are a dark brown, making them resemble feces

    4. This dad who cooked dinner:

    A piece of burned meat on an overly toasted bun; the meat is so badly burned, it&#x27;s impossible to tell what it even is

    5. This coworker who brought "beef broth gelatin with hot dogs and eggs" as a snack to share at a work meeting:

    The hot dogs, gelatin, and hard-boiled eggs are all wrapped in plastic together, making them looking one disgusting mass

    6. This friend who made the "perfect" steak:

    The steak has no seer on the outside and is so pink in the middle it looks raw; this would be unsafe to eat

    7. This person who thaws chicken like this:

    Several raw chicken thighs sit submerged in water in a sink

    8. This person who accidentally left bagels in the oven for *five hours*:

    The bagel is simply a blackened husk

    9. These daughters who tried making churros:

    The size and shape of these make them look exactly like cat poop

    10. This person who tried to make homemade egg nog:

    This creation has separated in a jar, with liquid at the bottom and whatever was supposed to be mixed into it rising to the top

    11. These in-laws who made this sad dinner:

    This plate has corn, Brussels sprouts, rice and chicken drumsticks, and they all look undercooked

    12. This person who made a solar system–themed egg for breakfast:

    The egg whites ran a little, so the person placed things like carrots, sausage, and ketchup in the whites to make it look like the yolk is the sun and the random things are planets

    13. This mom who used a frosting bag to squeeze beans on top of nachos:

    The beans look exactly like cat poop

    14. This person who made a "Full-English Pizza":

    A random assortment of things have been put on top of a pizza crust; it looks like there&#x27;s lettuce, sausage, corn, and shredded cheese among the toppings

    15. This person who made pancakes:

    Calling these pancakes is generous; it&#x27;s basically a mound of partially cooked mush

    16. This mom who made some overcooked brisket:

    The meat is clearly overcooked and very dry

    17. This person who roasted these hot dogs for two and a half hours at 450 degrees.

    The hot dogs have split open, dried out, and become discolored

    18. This wife who made tiramisu:

    It&#x27;s just a blob of liquid

    19. This roommate who made "cream of vegetable soup":

    The soup is a gross color, and there&#x27;s too much of it for the bowl, so it&#x27;s spilling out and onto the table

    20. These in-laws who made this (stew???) for lunch:

    This is also a very gross-looking color and is essentially three pieces of chicken only partially submerged in liquid with some rice thrown in

    21. This person who made burgers for the first time:

    A look inside a pan in which four burger patties have been overcooked and the dry spices used have also been overcooked and covered the pan in a layer of soot

    22. This person who microwaved a vegan sausage and broke the plate in the process:

    The plate has snapped diagonally down the middle

    23. And finally, these in-laws who made this turkey for Thanksgiving, which is "stuffed with prunes" and "wildly overcooked":

    The turkey is not the correct color, looks extremely dry, and has gross-looking liquid leaking out of it

    WHEW. Which cooking fail shocked you the most? Let us know in the comments below!