People Revealed The Most "Chaotic" Christmas Ornament On Their Tree, And Wow, I Will Never Get Over These

    These all deserve an award or something.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to show us the wildest ornaments they have on their Christmas tree, and they truly shared the best of the best. Here are some of the funniest — and most random — ones:

    1. This mermaid cat:

    cat mermaid

    2. This creepy head:

    creepy baby head in the tree

    3. This Santa cow:

    cow dressed as santa

    4. This poor Nutcracker who's missing the rest of his body:

    head of the nutcracker and its body tied to a branch

    5. These literally bare Clauses:

    naked santa and mrs. clause

    6. This glittery spaghetti:

    glittery noodles

    7. This holiday reminder:

    ornament says don't be shitty

    8. These passed down ornaments that feature all kinds of characters — including Santa with a baseball mit:

    santa with a glove and other characters in a little chamber

    9. There' many of them:

    snow white's dwarf, a tall lanky kid, and a snowman

    10. This, um, NSFW ornament:

    ornament of a vibrator

    11. This 💩 ornament:

    poo wearing a santa hat

    12. This terrifying baby:

    spooky baby head coming out of a wreath

    13. This Christmas monster:

    four-eyed monster head

    14. This real insect-turned-ornament:

    moth in an transparent casing

    15. This penguin with a message:

    sex drink flight written on the penguin

    16. This bathroom sign:

    only pee do not shit written on the sign

    17. This nightmare-inducing cat:

    spooky cat with antlers

    18. This "grandma" ornament for mom:

    ornament that says grandma you're the sweetest with a gingerbread man

    19. This Christmas wizard:


    20. This Barbie nativity scene:

    barbie, ken, and a baby doll as the nativity set

    21. This sad — but cute — homemade Eeyore:

    eeyore as the christmas tree topper

    22. And this absolutely adorable "living ornament":

    the pet cat crawling in the tree

    LOL. Which ornament was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.