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EMTs, Paramedics, And 911 Operators, Tell Us The Scariest Moment You've Had On The Job

We want to hear it all.

As a first responder or 911 operator, you've probably had some unbelievable — and even dangerous — experiences at work that you'll never forget, and we want to hear the behind-the-scenes of it all.

EMTs in a truck

So, EMTs, paramedics, or 911 operators, what's the scariest moment you've had on the job?

An EMT loading a patient in the truck

Like, maybe as a 911 operator, you received a call where someone actually confessed a crime, and to this day, it still sends chills down your spine.

A call center operator at her computer

Perhaps as an EMT or paramedic, you've had moments where you were certain a patient wasn't going to survive, but by some miracle, they did.

An EMT working with a patient

Or maybe there have been times when your own life has been put in danger on the job, and you can share what happened from beginning to end.

An EMT holding someone's hand

Whatever it is, we want to hear your story. If you're an EMT, paramedic, or 911 operator, share the scariest or wildest moment you've had at work in the comments below. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be used in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.