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    21 DIY Projects That Failed Soooo Hard, I Cannot Help But Laugh Uncontrollably

    Everyone's so ✨CREATIVE✨.

    1. The truck hot tub:

    A hot tub in a truck bed

    2. This boss who added allll these lights:

    Lights everywhere on a ceiling

    3. This "repair guy" who fixed an overheating laptop:

    Holes poked in a laptop

    4. This light switch:

    A badly placed light switch

    5. This dad who fixed the kitchen sink:

    A screwdriver in the kitchen sink

    HOW is this supposed to work?!

    A screwdriver in a kitchen sink

    6. This deck that will absolutely, without a doubt, fall apart the moment someone gets in that pool:

    An elevated pool

    7. This car fan???

    A huge fan on a car

    8. This microwave mailbox:

    A microwave as a mailbox

    9. This nightmarish baby doll nightlight:

    A doll nightlight

    10. This denim couch cover:

    A denim couch cover

    11. Help, they're EVERYWHERE:

    A denim couch
    A denim couch
    A denim pillow

    12. These renters who cut a hole in the air duct:

    A hole in an air duct

    13. This dad who painted the light yellow <3:

    A yellow light

    14. This person who used Liquid Nails to secure this mantle on the wall for a TV:

    A fallen TV

    15. This repaired couch:

    Electric tape on a couch

    16. This wooden fireplace:

    A wooden fireplace

    17. This toilet seat guitar:

    A guitar made out of a toilet seat

    18. This (positive) COVID test USB:

    A COVID test USB

    19. Oh, and these aluminum tread tiles for the bathroom:

    Aluminum tiles

    20. These zip ties for shower curtain rings:

    Zip ties as curtain rods
    Zip ties as curtain rods

    21. And finally, this boyfriend who made a pillow out of his chest hair for his girlfriend:

    A heart made out of chest hair
    A heart made out of chest hair

    Stay creative, folks!

    H/T: r/DiWHY