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People Who Cut Off Family Members, What Was Your Breaking Point?

It's time to spill the deets.

Unfortunately, some family relationships can be complicated. Many people have had to set serious boundaries with certain family members — and even cut off their entire relationship with them due to an ongoing unhealthy dynamic.

So, if you've had to finally cut off a family member, what was the moment you knew it was time?

A mother and daughter have a serious conversation on the couch

Maybe you had a super-controlling or narcissistic in-law who was pulling you and your spouse apart, so you decided to cut off all communication with them to save your marriage.

A couple exchange wedding rings on their wedding day

Perhaps you had a REALLY toxic or jealous sibling who tried to get your S.O. to cheat on you with them — and after you found out, you never spoke to them again.

A crossed-out image of two siblings smiling together

Maybe you had a parent who was never really present in your life, and you actually felt relieved when you stopped trying to establish a relationship with them.

Someone looks stressed while reading a message on their cellphone

Or perhaps you've had cousins or other extended family members who weren't trustworthy — and maybe even stole something from you — and you knew it was time to set a hard boundary.

Someone looks surprised, while looking at a document on their laptop

What was your big moment? In the comments below, tell us the breaking point that made you finally cut off a family member. Or, if you'd prefer to remain anonymous, use this Google form to share your story. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.