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What Are Some Things About Adulthood That More People Should Know?

If you could tell your younger self something about adulthood, what would you say?

So, we want to know: What are some "myths" about adulthood that you wish you knew sooner?

When you were younger, you probably had an idea of what adult life would be like. And chances are, now that you're older, there are certain aspects of adulthood that are nothing like you expected.

Like, maybe you felt like you had to follow a "perfect" plan of how life should play out: going to college, getting a dream job, getting married, buying a house, and having kids. But now, you've realized timelines can be unrealistic and making decisions based on your circumstances and needs was much more important.

Perhaps you entered parenthood and you've always heard that becoming a parent means your life is "over." But for you, while it's come with challenges, it's been an amazing experience that has changed your life for the better.

Maybe you've always put pressure on yourself to find "the one." But now, you've learned how to navigate dating and relationships in a healthy way that has even made the process more enjoyable and practical.

Or perhaps you used to simply think everyone has life allllll figured out in adulthood, but now that you're an adult, you can share how untrue that is!

Or mayyybe you've been given outdated financial or career advice in the past — like "if you get a degree, you'll definitely get a good-paying job." But when you started your own career journey, you quickly realized that wasn't the case.

In the comments below, tell us which "myths" about adulthood you wish you knew sooner. Or if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!