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    16 Reasons Why Jake Jagielski Is The Perfect Man

    Out of all the One Tree Hill boys, Jake Jagielski tops my list. He is one of the most caring, thoughtful, and lovable men who deserves a lot more credit.

    1. He's beautiful

    2. He's emotional

    3. He's on the varsity basketball team

    4. He cares about his buddies

    5. He plays guitar...and sings...

    6. He's a great kisser

    7. ....look again

    8. He would do anything for his baby girl, Jenny

    9. Like sing her a lullaby at night

    10. He took Peyton out on dates

    11. He loves to cuddle

    12. Does this even need an explanation

    13. He believes in love

    14. Every time he speaks you never want him to stop

    15. Because even though people always leave

    16. He came back