

I love Jesus. I come off as cocky, but honestly have NO self-esteem. I love my boyfriend, and love when people mistake us for husband and wife. Makes my day, no joke. I don't believe that any compliment, other than "Nice shirt" that has been given to me, is true. I think I'm a horrible person, but with noble intentions. I'd kill someone for my family, or Jeff. I have no strength, so I compensate by acting bad-ass. I listen to a wide prospect of music, but don't have much patience for movies, unless there's a pretty face that I can stare at. I'm a hypochondriac and germaphobe. I wear my crazy on my sleeve. I have mad respect for the Armed Forces. I have a big family, and plan on having ALOT of kids. I'm scared of fire, and other people's blood. I hate feet, bitches, and whores. I love comedy. I love people with big noses, among other prominent features. I have always, and always will have a HUGE soft spot for brown eyes. I think I'm fat, and not in the" OMG, Look at me. I want attention" way either. I love puppies. I love chocolate, and peanut butter. I hate being an adult, but am able to mature up, if the occasion calls for it. I love my fiancée and my ex-boyfriend will always have a spot in my heart. I can't wait to be married, and start a real family.

Mar 2011
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