Here Are Some Fun Swedish Sayings You Should Start Using

    Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.

    1. Han har inte rent mjöl i påsen — He doesn't have clean flour in his bag

    2. Går som katten kring het gröt – Walks like the cat around hot porridge

    3. Ingen fara på taket — There is no danger on the roof

    4. Har inte alla hästar hemma – Don’t have all your horses in the stable

    5. Måla fan på väggen – Paint the devil on the wall

    6. Ingen ko på isen — There's no cow on the ice

    7. Fastnat med skägget i brevlådan — Caught with the beard in the letterbox

    8. Du har satt din sista potatis — You have planted your last potato

    9. Glida in på en räkmacka — Glide in on a shrimp sandwich

    10. Farväl — Farewell

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