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    Cosby Derangement Syndrome

    The Cosby Derangement Syndrome continues each day in the news. People would rather believe in a fictional Dad than real life victims. There are presently 17 Jane Does, and I bet is there will be more.

    As a woman, I find the idea of rape horrifying, but Therese Serignese coming forward as one of Bill Cosby's victims after 38 years, has been mystifying to me. Why would anyone have a thirty year relationship with a rapist I asked myself? Why would she go back time and time again?

    In 1976 Serignese tooks two white pills from Cosby backstage without question, allegedly gets raped, 19, and an adult. In 1985 the rape was so traumatic she "hooks up" with Bill again, and then in 1996 Theresa accepts two payments and a $5,000 check from Bill.

    I found myself in a really bad situation with a man years ago. I went to his room for innocent reasons, and found myself in a position that I could not get out of. Never ever would I have put myself in the same place twice, and with the same person no less. It has been over 40 years, and I still remember it like yesterday.

    Of course there are those that have doubts about this whole Cosby scandal. Maybe, there are one or two women looking for their 15 minutes of fame or a large payout, but there are now 17 women, and I'm positive most of them are not lying. Many of these women, from what I understand, were drugged and raped "multiple times."

    I think rape is one of the worst crimes a person can commit, and I have figured out why some of these women didn't tell a trusted medical professional or law enforcement person days later.

    In the 70's Serignese would have had a hard time being believed if she went to the authorities. Cosby was such a "nice man" - there's no way to most of his fans back then that his intentions could have been anything but a show of affection.

    To a degree, I think today's youth have embraced irresponsibility via alcohol. Stories of getting 'wasted' and 'hooking up' with a person they barely know are not unusual to hear. Not really fair to project our modern, bankrupt values onto a scene from the 70s. The truth is; information about rape, drugs and many other things were not so wide spread as it is today, and even today, young kids fall for the same traps by celebrities. So is what happened to Serignese similar to that of an abused woman who cannot escape her demons?

    The Cosby Derangement Syndrome continues each day in the news. People would rather believe in a fictional Dad than real life victims. There are presently 17 Jane Does, and I bet is there will be more. Most of Cosby's victims were young - late teens to mid-20s. He chose girls, not women - they were physically mature, but not emotionally adept. He lured them with empty promises, caring advice, and gave them money at the time they might have needed it.

    I have no doubt in the end we will find out the stories are true. Cosby lives for his past achievements and now he'll die an emotionally broken man, because these women are coming forward with their accounts. They have nothing to gain and the humiliation is buried deep within them. Are there any winners here? Everyone involved will have to live with the history that follows them. Either way, the man's career and reputation is history, and I sincerely hope these women find some sort of peace in their lives.