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    A Private Text Message To Anthony Weiner

    What a dick!

    Tuesday, you admitted once again that you sent additional lewd photos and text messages to yet another woman other than your wife. It has barely been a light sneeze since you left Congress in disgrace because of other explicit online chats. However this time Mr. Weiner, I believe you have met us head on!

    Dude, what is with you and all these selfies? I'm confused, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you resigned in 2011, but these "chats" occurred in 2012--after the scandal, and the apologies? Is this really the next chapter? Or is it just the 2012 edition and 2013 will be released later?

    Anthony, it seems like your appendage jumps out every time there's a phone camera around. Do you think your campaign for NYC mayor has now gone limp? Maybe I'm wrong and you will still get elected. It's well known the current guy tried to ban Big Gulps and it's not like they've got high standards. In case you don't win the mayoral race, your sexting name - Carlos Danger - could be very popular in adult films.

    I understand there are a lot of men who have taken photos of their genitals and shared them with someone, but your behaviour is nothing short of 21st century flashing. If this were 1950, would you be standing on some dark street corner wearing only a trench coat?

    When your mayoral campaign tanks you can go to Louisiana and run for Senator. Hell, David Vitter was busted wearing diapers and being spanked by a prostitute, but God did forgive him. Or maybe you should run for office with Eric Holder and the bumper stickers could say "Weiner Holder 2013!"

    The really disturbing issue for me is that you shaved your chest, or even worse, waxed it. I know a lot of guys that would need a lawnmower to accomplish that. Are you and Geraldo Rivera now connected on Grindr? When I asked a gay friend if he had seen you guys on the site he said, "Us gay people don't want either of those two on our team!"

    Anthony when you were a teenager, did your Dad ever tell you to "just give it a rest?" Were your sex ed and civics classes combined in High School? I really don't get it. How difficult is it to keep it in your pants?

    To be honest, I clicked and peeked on Google Image to view your unedited pictures. It seems by 6 pm your privates had been viewed so many times, it had its own Yelp account. Honestly, somebody needs to give you a flip-phone with no camera. What. A. Dick!

    "There's a man who leads a life of danger

    To everyone he meets he stays a stranger

    With every move he makes another chance he takes

    Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow

    Secret agent man, secret agent man

    They've given you a number and taken away your name."

    (Johnny Rivers)