

I am a very private person. While you may think, some of my posts don't show that, you will find most of them, never have to deal with my life, just life in general and how I feel about certain subjects. You will find I don't mind speaking my mind and that I am VERY outspoken. If you can't handle the truth, please don't ask me, cause I am BRUTALLY honest to a fault. Honestly, some of my posts are for shock effect and nothing more!! At times, I am a walking contradiction! But my core beliefs always stay the same and I never have a problem sharing those.. Most people don't/won't believe that I grew up on a small farm in Northern Rural WV. I am NOT your typical Farm Girl!! I do appreciate the simple things in life but enjoy the finer things as well. I have found that the finer things aren't always the things that cost the most money!! I am a firm believer in QUALITY over quantity and that is true for all aspects of my life, including men! I am here to make FRIENDS, connect with old friends & Relatives and network. NOTHING MORE! What you see is what you get! I don't pretend to be anything I am not. I am loud, sometimes obnoxious, people say I am cold and the word Bitch is often used to describe me. But those who see me that way, haven't had the opportunity to get to know me and you probably never will!! The worst thing a man or woman could ever do, if they would like to get to know me, is to assume or stereotype me based on the way I look. I demand respect and any disrespectful comments will get you a trip straight to the EXIT!! You will not have the opportunity to pass GO! I have been involved in sports & fitness for the majority of my life. I have competed in fitness competitions and in Miss Hawaiian Tropic & similar pageants. I have worked as a model and I am a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer with the ACSM. I LOVE NCAA & Pro Football. Divorced in 2004 after 5 VERY L O N G years of marriage. After having my life turned upside down in Sept 2007, it is finally returning to normal. I have given up a lot over the last 2 years but none of that matters, because I have kept the most important things! I have had some friends come and go. The ones that matters are still here and I have managed to find 1 really special one along the way. My daughter Brooke and I live in Oak Ridge, TN after moving to Farragut/Knoxville, TN 1/1/2006 from Ohio! I have 2 beautiful children. James is 21 (God, I am OLD) and Brooke Alexis is my 10 year old Princess. My world is a much better place with them in it!! I can't imagine my life without them! My work history is diverse but similar in many ways. All jobs were based around just a few common goals; sales/marketing & managing people. My favorite job is the one that pays & receives the least amount of respect; being a Mom!! Unfortunately, I don't get home often to visit my family and friends in WV and I miss my nieces and nephews soooooooooooooooo much!

Jun 2010
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