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    10 Historical Things "90's Kids" Should Know About Their Decade

    There you are, a 90's kid, clicking on this article to see what you missed about the decade that you thought you knew so much about. I know it's hard to believe, but there was actually more going on at the time than keeping up with Corey and Topanga, blowing the dust out of our Game Boy games and acting like the Spice Girls. The nineties were filled with social, political and economic change. It was the turn of a century and a time of progression. There were new beginnings and saddening endings for several significant figures. The following events shed light on the side of the nineties that may have been forgotten or ignored. Many of these events laid the platform for todays technological and cultural advancements and anyone that claims to be from this decade should know about them.

    1990: You Can Thank Tim

    1991: Out With The Cigs, In With The Patch

    1992: Dropping Bombs

    1993: NASA Loses Contact

    1994: The Killing Of A Killer

    1995: The Million Man March

    1996: President Clinton Takes Action

    1997: The Death Of A Princess

    1998: The Birth Of The MP3 Player

    1999: The Shooting on April 20th