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    22 Cats That Were Totally You At A Party

    Contrary to popular belief, cats are actually quite emotional creatures. Whether you're at an open rager, a friend's house, or a bar, at one point you were probably feeling just like one of these cats.

    1. When you first arrive, and everyone rushes to greet you

    2. But pretty soon you realize you're the only sober person in the room

    3. So you start chugging in order to catch up

    4. Eventually someone pulls out a bottle of tequila, and things start to get a little weird

    5. ... maybe a little too weird

    6. You finally spot your eye candy for the night

    7. But no matter what you do they don't seem to notice

    8. So you say screw 'em, because you know you're still the queen of the party

    9. You finally find your groove, but the DJ changes songs in the middle of your jam

    10. And then your ex that you haven't seen in months surprises you out of nowhere

    11. So you spend the next hour rejecting their attempts at getting back together

    12. Later there's a knock at the door and you don't know who it is, so instead you just play dead

    13. While your friend stalls the police until you've had enough time to throw everyone out

    14. You don't even care that the party's over because you're so hungry you could eat your own tail

    15. And let's be honest, you're starting to crash

    16. But before you can sleep, you have to make sure your really drunk friend stays in bed

    17. Finally, your job is done, and you can leap into bed

    18. And at the end of the night, it doesn't matter who you walk home with as long as you get to snuggle

    19. And you sleep more soundly than these two adorable kittens

    20. When you wake up in the morning it feels like someone turned the sun up way too high

    21. and your friends are helping you recount the night but everything's still a bit fuzzy

    22. So you pop some ibuprofen, and settle in for a long day of recovery