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    The Stages Of Writing A Book

    Because writing a novel turns you into an alcoholic lunatic.

    PLOT BUNNY: You have a book idea. It's not terrible.

    BRAINSTORMING: lots of capslocking to friends on chat; constant daydreaming

    WINE: Or, how you write half your book.

    PANTSING: Close your eyes, type a lot, and hope for the best.

    DRUNK PANTSING: When you drink a bottle of wine and pants the hell out of an entire scene/chapter.

    PROCRASTINATION: 90% of the writing process.

    WORD COUNT WONDER: That day you wrote 5K and you weren't even trying.

    INSANE BRAINWAVE: When you have a crazyamazingomg plot or character breakthrough.

    BRAINWAVE BUZZKILL: When you realize your crazyamazingomg plot/character brainwave means you have to significantly rewrite your book

    LOGIC MASTER: Wait, does that even make sense?

    HYSTERICAL CREATIVITY: When you're drinking, pantsing, writing like a maniac; writing yourself into corners, writing yourself out of corners.

    DELUSION: When you convince yourself that the thing that you wrote that is totally batshit insane/awful is actually completely fine and will not need to be revised.

    EXTREME CONFIDENCE: This is the best book ever written.


    TOTAL DISREGARD FOR FAIL: Who cares if it sucks? That's what revisions are for.

    KISSING SCENES: Oh, God, it's time.

    GLASS CASE OF EMOTION: When you have to kill off a character.


    THE FINAL STRETCH: You're almost done, no one has seen you for weeks, you're practically insane.

    EXHAUSTION: When you finally finish your draft zero... or a complete revision on a crazy-tight deadline.

    DANCE PARTY: You wrote a book.

    PROOFREADING: ie: what the eff did I write?

    CP TIME: Because you need someone to tell you how to fix it

    TORTUROUS WAITING: Because your CPs WILL take forever to read

    EDITING GAME PLAN: Your CPs don't hate your book, but they do have editing suggestions

    REVISION TIME: Let's blow some shizz up

    We're Leviosa, a new fan convention for YA lit lovers, writers and Harry Potter fans, taking place July 7-10, 2016 in Las Vegas. We'll have an entire track of programming for writers, featuring workshops, agent panels & more. Find out more at

    Post by YA author & Leviosa staff member Alexa Donne.