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    57 Thoughts Everybody Has On Taglit-Birthright Israel

    There is no way we can ever really manage to sum up a Taglit-Birthright trip in a single list. Oh well. At least we tried.

    So, why not be a part of it?

    It's #MyAdventure. It's #MyIsrael. It's #Mayanot.

    This summer, you can explore Israel with Mayanot's perfect blend of adventure, inspiration, spirituality, and personal discovery. And it's FREE. Beat that!

    Mayanot's popular trip itinerary was built on feedback of participants from all over the United States and from all walks of life - people just like you! As a highly acclaimed non-profit organization we spend every penny on your journey!

    Its your Israel. Be inspired. Get refreshed and create memories for a lifetime.

    On February 3rd, visit to begin your journey.