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    13 Things All Best Friends Know To Be True


    1. You finish each other's sentences.

    2. You agree on what's really important.

    3. You have a fully choreographed routine ready to perform at any given moment.

    4. You’re complete opposites, but exactly alike.

    5. The thought of being separated for more than a few days is devastating.

    6. People always ask, “Don’t you get sick of each other?”

    7. Sharing isn’t an issue because clothes and food are communal.

    8. You get mistaken for a couple.

    9. People don’t recognize you when you’re alone.

    10. The well of secrets runs deep.

    11. They always meet you at your current level of feels.

    12. You communicate without words.

    13. Fights may happen, but they don’t last long.