17 Things You Never Even Knew Hair Could Do

    Hail to the hair.

    1. Hair tapestries ...

    Which when finished, look like this:

    2. The mohawk braid:

    3. Safety-pinned hair:

    4. A braided arch:

    5. Unicorn hair:

    6. Buzz cut art so realistic, it's confusing:

    7. Braid hearts:

    8. Be adorned with hair rings:

    9. Hair stamping:

    10. The pointed pony:

    11. Diamond pigtails:

    12. This sculptural amazingness:

    13. Corset braids:

    14. Be sculpted into a rose:

    15. Or an even more delicate spiral:

    16. Glittered sections:

    17. Or metallic foiled roots: