12 Things You Didn't Know About "Breakfast At Tiffany's"

    Got a case of the mean reds today? Here are some fascinating facts about this classic film to calm you.

    1. Audrey Hepburn hated danish pastries, making this scene a bitch to film.

    2. Capote wanted Marilyn Monroe for the role of Holly Golightly, and she was in fact lined up to play Holly. Monroe dropped out, however, after she had been advised that a call girl-like character would harm her image.

    3. People often mistakenly think Hepburn's iconic sunglasses are Ray-Bans. They are in fact by Oliver Goldsmith.

    4. The exterior shots of Holly's brownstone were shot on-location.

    5. An alternate ending had been shot.

    6. The cat who played "Cat," was called Orangey and Orangey was apparently quite the professional. He has his own IMDb page.

    7. Hepburn was paid $750,000 for the job. (Which is roughly equivalent to $5.9 million today.) At that point, the only actress paid more than that for a film had been Elizabeth Taylor.

    8. Holly's couch is an actual bathtub split in half and covered with cushions.

    9. "Moon River" was written specifically for this film by Henry Mancini, who composed the song for Hepburn's vocal register.

    10. Hepburn was apparently extremely self-conscious about her role as Holly.

    11. The character of Holly Golightly (the film version) caused quite a stir and is thought to aid in changing views of women at the time.

    12. The scene where Paul and Holly attempt to have a Cracker Jack ring engraved at Tiffany's — the production crew reportedly went through 200 boxes of Cracker Jacks before finding a ring. The toy-du-jour was apparently a whistle.