Short People Vs. Tall People

    Whether tall or small, the struggle is real.

    1. Short people on airplanes: Legroom for days.

    Tall people on planes: You're packed tighter than a sardine in a can.

    2. Short people shopping for clothes: Kids' section, here I come!

    Tall people shopping: What is this, a clothing store for ANTS?!?!

    3. Short people playing sports: I may be small, but I'm still going for the gold.

    Tall people in sports: I WILL DESTROY YOU PEASANTS.

    4. Short people and the showerhead: A menace from above.

    Tall people and the war against showerheads: Good luck washing your hair!

    5. Taking pictures when you are short: Selfies never work.

    Taking pictures when you are tall: In every photo, you're the Headless Horseman.

    6. Short people at shows: Suddenly, everyone is a tall person.

    Tall people at shows: The enemy of all short people present.

    7. Short people when they made you do this in gym class: Have a nice trip, see you next fall!

    Tall people: Look at me, I'm flying!!

    8. Short girls in heels: They're not an option, they're a necessity.

    And if you're a tall girl in heels: You better not have a fear of heights.

    9. Short people at the club: Just because you are taller than me, doesn't mean you should push me around like I am not here!

    Tall people at the club: I can see the whole room!

    10. Things short people are tired of hearing: Being called "small" or "little."

    Things tall people are tired of hearing: "How's the weather up there?"

    11. Short people and cars: And does this come with a driver's side booster seat?

    Tall people in small cars: Insta-giant.

    12. Short people and mirrors: I can almost see my lips!

    Tall people and mirrors: Well, at least you always know if you've got shmutz on your shirt.

    13. Short people walking next to tall people: HOW ARE YOU GOING SO FAST???

    Tall people walking next to short people: I AM walking slow.

    14. The most annoying thing you could do to a short person: Act shocked when you tell them just how short you are.

    And the No. 1 most annoying thing you could do to a tall person: Tell them they're tall.

    Just remember: No one is better in the short vs. tall debate. Flaunt whatcha got.