18 Headaches Everyone Who Works In An Office Knows

    When your 9-to-5 turns into weekday warfare.

    1. One of these errors, which means IT is going to hate you today:

    2. "DIY" IT solutions that never help the situation:

    3. The one person who does something weird in the bathroom:

    4. Or who just doesn't seem to understand the concept of a bathroom in the first place:

    5. And that one co-worker whose cubicle is so meticulously decorated that you kind of dread ever having to go over to talk to them:

    6. Or that manager who wants to make sure everyone knows they're the coolest:

    7. The sign that scolds you for not pitching in:

    8. Your awful desk/chair setup, which is uncomfortable no matter how you sit/stand:

    9. The shitty printer you just don't know what to do with anymore:

    10. The prankster who decides to mix up all the candy in the kitchenette:

    11. A passive aggressive note your boss leaves you, which, like, is he for real?:

    12. The war on the thermostat, which becomes more brutal by the day:

    13. That one rule no one in the office likes to follow and the "funny" note that tries to remind you about it:

    14. That one co-worker with the mug, and his crusade against others using it:

    15. Or the one co-worker who decides the fridge is fair game:

    16. The broken coffee machine, which of course has now sparked a passive aggressive Post-It exchange:

    17. The attempt to make a joke about sexual harassment training:

    18. And finally, the memo HR sends out, which makes you uncomfortable for weeks: