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    What Has Abe Been Working On This Year?

    £18k a year well spent?

    1. Cheaper buses

    2. New Students’ Union Building

    3. More funding for the university to meet their CO2 reduction targets

    4. Cheaper tuition fees for International and Postgraduate students

    Historically, international and postgraduate students could be charged fee increases of anything between 5 and 8% making it difficult to plan expenditure and to budget. Thanks to the efforts of myself, the officer team, and others, fees are now 2.5%, flat rate, and many students been refunded the difference.

    5. Voter Registration Through Sussex Direct

    View this video on YouTube

    Changes in voter registration law have pushed thousands of students off the electoral roll. This is disenfranchising and wrong, but after extensive lobbying of the university, you can now register to vote in the general election through Sussex Direct.


    I'm working on lots of other stuff, too: designing a housing advocacy service to help students challenge bad landlords, campaigning for student subsidies for childcare on campus, rebranding the mandela scholarship, and plans for fast food on campus.

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