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    What's Going On At Chabad At Pitt?

    Happy April, Panthers! It’s almost Matzah-season! Would you believe it? Although we plan on keeping a pretty low profile as we prepare for Pesach, we’ve still planned plenty of events that you will NOT want to pass-over! .…Sorry, no more dad jokes. We promise. Here we gooooo....

    1. Sushi Shabbos!

    2. Need some more practice with the old chopsticks?

    3. Hungry for more?

    4. Calling all ballers:

    5. Feeling intellectual?

    6. No one should be alone on Passover.

    7. But WAIT- THER’S MORE!


    That's about it for this week, Panthers... We're really comin' down the home stretch!

    Best of luck in the upcoming weeks.


    Chabad at Pitt… and as always, H2P!