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    Nickelodeon's Legend Of Korra Ends With Fan-Pleasing Lesbian Coupling

    It's official! #Korrasami is canon as Legend of Korra goes out with an hour long bang.

    In a move that is sure to piss off people that still follow the #Gamergate tag, Nickelodeon's The Legend of Korra just fulfilled a long-simmering fan theory. Spoilers follow.

    The series, which is an absolutely amazing action show in case you haven't been watching, follows the adventures of Avatar Korra and her friends as they try to save the world from angry anarchists, would-be dictators and a pissed off Aubrey Plaza. The series finale finally allowed Korra a victory over the villainous Kuvira, voiced by Zelda Williams. More importantly, however, it finally placed the budding relationship between Korra and technology magnate Asami Sato into canon, in a beautifully drawn sequence in which they enter the spirit realm together and hold hands.

    For seasons, fans have taken to Twitter, Tumblr and their own Varrick-emblazoned dream journals to petition for a Korra/Asami coupling. In short, those girls have more chemistry than Walter White. Nobody realistically ever thought it would happen, however. Korra is a kid's show. On Nickelodeon. Kind of a big deal, right? Not only are they both women, but they aren't even white! Again, the Gamergaters are so growling right now. Korra fans are super sad to see it go, but at least it died as it lived, breaking new ground and just being generally awesome.