It’s Not Even Cold Enough For The Winter Festival In Ottawa

    More like Waterlude lolol.

    This winter is so damn warm that the capital of Canada — Canada for chrissakes — can't even pull off a winter-themed festival today.

    Winterlude time in Ottawa usually means crisp temperatures, icy conditions, and the Rideau Canal covered in happy skaters.

    But just two days into the annual winter festival, "adverse weather conditions" have caused some cancellations. It's just too damn warm.

    This is what the canal looks like now: a really big puddle.

    Ice sculptures are cowering in fear.

    Our @SimonGardnerCBC has found another victim of this mild weather at #Winterlude. A poor ice sculpture. #ottnews

    Snowmen have been transformed into tragic tableaux of global warming.

    RIP snowman. #Ottawa #Winterlude #weather

    With a high of 4 degrees, it's basically Waterlude out there.

    .@NCC_Skateway closed due to mild weather #ottnews #Winterlude

    The National Capital Commission had to close the canal's skateway due to the rain and warmth.

    And all events at Jacques-Cartier Park — aka "Snowflake Kingdom" — were cancelled for Feb. 1.

    Sculptures being covered, some Jacques Cartier Park slides being closed as @Winterlude preps for rain.

    Thankfully there was enough chill on the weekend for Winterlude to pull off a new record for most snowmen built in a single hour. 2,069, to be exact.

    Wow! 2069 snowmen, that’s incredible and a new world record is set during #Winterlude! Congratulations everyone!

    Why the long face, little guy? Is it because you're probably now a pile of slush?

    While the weather is expected to dip back below freezing on Tuesday, Ottawa will see temperatures of around 7 degrees on Wednesday.