Squirrels Keep Stealing Chocolate Bars From This Convenience Store

    Tricksy squirrelses.

    This is Luke's Grocery, a convenience store in Toronto owned by the Kim family. And they have a very nutty problem.


    Chocolate-stealing squirrels.

    Juliet and Paul Kim, pictured here with one of their daughters, have been watching squirrels sneak off with chocolate treats for years.

    For some reason, there was a spike in squirrel thievery last fall, which is when Cindy's dad started recording the capers.

    Her dad estimates they've lost at least 40 chocolate bars to squirrels over the years.

    In the meantime, the squirrels have been a hit on social media. The family now has a YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter account to record the antics.

    "People have responded very positively to it. They find it funny for the most part. People cheer for the squirrels or give us suggestions for how to deter them," she said.