Ryan Reynolds Posted A New Commercial For His Gin Company And It Stars The The Actor From The Peloton Ad

    This commercial is the gift that keeps on giving.

    If you've been on the internet for the past week, you've probably seen the infamous new Peloton commercial.

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    The commercial pretty much broke the internet for a little bit, and people had some VERY strong opinions.

    Nothing says “maybe you should lose a few pounds” like gifting your already rail thin life partner a Peloton

    I *knew* I'd seen that #peloton face before!

    I want the Peloton ad where someone piles clothes on it for a year and takes pictures of the pile’s growth and feels just fine about it

    But this story gets a lot better, because last night Ryan Reynolds graced us with a very nice ad for his gin company, Aviation Gin starring Monica Ruiz...


    And being the jokester he is, Ryan had the perfect caption to follow up the ad.

    Ryan's celeb friends truly could not believe their eyes.

    And needless to say, the rest of the world is going wild over the ad.

    @VancityReynolds Peloton Universe Cinematic Universe....?

    @VancityReynolds A year ago I never know how much this gin would change my life

    @VancityReynolds Effin brilliant. That’s how it’s done #AviationGin

    So... I guess 2019 is actually the year of the Peloton wife, Monica Ruiz.