This TV Presenter's Jaw Hit The Floor When A Blue Whale Turned Up

    Whales > humans.

    This is Dorris Welch, and she knows absolutely all sorts about whales.

    Until suddenly, she was interrupted. BY A GODDAMN BLUE WHALE. 🐋😱

    Mid-broadcast the massive sea beast just sauntered on up to Big Blue Live's helicopter camera.

    "This is one of the most extraordinary things I've ever seen," gushed Backshall.

    He said that it was "the largest-known animal to have ever lived on our planet, larger than any of the dinosaurs".

    "It's the size of a jet plane without its wings," Backshall marveled.

    Steve Backshall rn.


    Dorris rn.

    The 🐋 rn.


    Watch the video of the full blue whale extravaganza here.

    When is it okay to abandon a live interview? When a blue whale suddenly appears behind you... #BigBlueLive