This Guy Keeps Editing Himself Into Celebrities' Instagrams And It's Pretty Funny

    Artist Jon Burgerman has found a clever, playful use for Instagram's collage function. His aim? To show that celebrities are "just as dull as normal people."

    Burgerman calls his project JFF, or "Jons Famous Friends".

    He tells BuzzFeed he wanted to make sure none of this project took a lot of time as he is lazy and easily distracted.

    “I hoped that the images would be funny and playful with a little serious side to it as well."

    "As much as I’m making broad visual gags with crude collage techniques I wondered why we perform across social media to present a heightened version of our lives."

    "Of course it’s fun but sometimes we use it as a means to compare ourselves with others and then feel bad about it, and that’s certainly a lot less fun.”

    "I was playing around with my decrepit iPhone and noticed Instagram had a new function where you could show 2 or more images together on a grid. It turns out this is perfect for collaging images."

    “I call these Quiet Interventions, how you can seemingly tweak reality in a very quick and effective way with very little effort."

    "Celebrities' Instagram feeds are often littered with multiple-selfies and photos of their cats. They’re just as dull as us normal people!”

    “I’m also trying to show that in most cases these things are actually pretty mundane. "

    "So I’m hanging out with celebrities, but we’re not really doing anything that fascinating (apart from shooting up with Obama of course)."