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These Photos Show The Everlasting Bond Between Pets And Their Humans

No matter how old we are, we all need a pet.

When David Williams, the photographer behind the Men With Cats series, watched his elderly grandmother receive a kitten as a gift, he was struck by the relationship between pet and owner. "Most of the guys I photographed for Men With Cats were millennials, along with being first-time pet owners," Williams tells BuzzFeed. "So I really wanted to talk to older people who had more experience with pet ownership. Some had pets their entire life, and others later in life."

Anna-May and Tim With Caroline

Denise With Sparky

"A lot of the seniors enjoy owning a pet for companionship, like every other generation," Williams said, "but for a lot of seniors it also helps with exercise and continuing a healthy lifestyle."

Joan With Zach

John With Peggy

Karen With Dr.Wiskers, Jasmine and Jade

Lynn and Lane With Daytona, Sussi and Tamboo

Mike With Hans

Richard With Leo

Tara With James