This Photographer Captured The Alluring Beauty Of Windows Around The World

    A view on to the architectural joy of windows.

    Photographer André Gonçalves has snapped hundreds of windows from all around the world, to show them in all their diverse shapes, sizes, and styles.

    He started off by photographing windows in Evora and Lisbon in Portugal in 2009. It wasn't until he travelled to Trento in Italy that he realised the beautiful diversity in windows between regions and countries.

    “I started travelling more frequently and I noticed how different the windows are from city to city," Gonçalves told BuzzFeed. "I had captured a lot of windows during that period in the Alps, Trento, and Venice. The project then started taking shape when I put the windows side by side”.

    Barcelona, Spain

    Burano, Italy

    "Windows are considered a vital element of every building, not only to bring it to life but also to give some vitality and personality to it," Gonçalves tells BuzzFeed. "I find it amusing that a small piece of glass between the interior and exterior of a house gives us the feeling of security and also the way that the house owners can be identified by their choices on their concept of beauty and architecture of the windows – some very flashy and opulent and others very humble."

    Trento, Italy

    When he has the time, Gonçalves tends to search for interesting windows through Google Street View. It helps him locate certain windows and map out his route when shooting.

    Venice, Italy

    "I try to avoid photographing people, it's not my subject," he says. "It's very normal in small towns being approach by the locals to check what I'm doing."

    The Alps, Italy and Austria

    Atalaia, Portugal

    Evora, Portugal

    Guimaraes, Portugal

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Obidos, Portugal

    Bucharest, Romania

    London, England

    Notting Hill, London, England